Global Youth Diversity Festival

글로벌 청소년 세계시민대축제


Opening Ceremony

아제르바이잔 Azerbaijan

Dear participants,
I feel privileged to address to the participants of Global Youth Diversity Festival.
Azerbaijan as a multicultural country, supports global initiatives that promote exchanges among young generation, and pursues youth policy and creates ample opportunities for young people to realize their potential.
Young generation is our future, and our future should be in safe hands.
In this context, wewould like to express our sincere gratitude and wish you good luck for the contribution of young people.

H.E.Ambassador of Azerbaijan 주한 아제르바이잔대사
Ramzi Teymurov 람지 카짐

벨기에 Belgium

Dear Global youth participants,
Your presence here today demonstrates that you are ready to take up your responsibility as global citizens to build a world based on cooperation, values and principles rather than based on force and confrontation, to achieve a future offering peace and freedom, sustainability, justice and equity for all. I wish each and every one of you an exciting and inspiring Global Youth Festival!

Ambassador of Belgium 주한 벨기에대사

François Bontemps 프랑수아 봉땅

핀란드 Finland

Finland is the country of education, Moomin, and Santa Claus – but also a lot more!
I wish you a fun and rewarding time at the Global Youth Diversity Festival.M

H.E.Ambassador of Finland 주한 핀란드대사
Pekka Metso 삐까 메쪼

프랑스 France

꿈을 꾸는 것은 앞을 향해 나아가는 것입니다. 무엇이든 가능할 수 있는 나라, 프랑스를 발견해 보세요 !

H.E.Ambassador of France 주한 프랑스대사
Phillipe Lefort 필립 르포르

독일 Germany

(안녕하세요! Guten Tag, hello! )
This year, Germany celebrates 30 years of reunification.
One of Germany’s strength today is diversity.
Diversity is a challenge – but also represents an opportunity for societal change.
I wish you many inspiring encounters with different countries and cultures that expand your horizons and give you new dreams!

H.E.Ambassador of Germany 주한 독일대사
Michael Reiffenstuel 미하엘 라이펜슈툴

라트비아 Latvia

“Greetings from Latvia! May you all stay healthy during this global pandemic and in the near future, become the proud leaders of our future generations! Thank you!”
Chargé d’affaires ad interim, Pēteris Podvinskis (Embassy of Latvia in Korea)


스위스 Switzerland

Discovering the culture, traditions and values of other countries is a wonderful experience.
Enjoy exploring Switzerland, a country in the heart of Europe, which is known not only for chocolates, cheese and Heidi but also for its federal structure and semi-direct democracy.
다른 나라의 문화, 전통, 가치를 발견하는 것은 즐거운 경험입니다.
유럽의 심장부의 위치해, 초콜릿과 치즈, 하이디 뿐 아니라 연방제와 준직접민주주의로 유명한 스위스를 발견 해보시길 바랍니다.

H.E.Ambassador of Switzerland 주한 스위스대사
Linus von Castelmur 리누스 폰 카스텔무르

튀니지 Tunisia

A better tomorrow for all is built around big dreams, this is why I encourage you to continue connecting with other cultures while chasing your own dreams

H.E.Ambassador of Tunisia 주한 튀니지대사
Nabih El Abed 나비 엘 아베드

터키 Turkey

Dear students,
I would like to present the following videos about the cultural riches and natural beauties of Turkey.
Thank you.

H.E.Ambassador of Turkey 주한 터키대사
Ersin Ercin 에르씬 에르친

투르크메니스탄 Turkmenistan

Dear participants!
Let me to congratulate with the opening of online “2020 Global Youth Diversity Festival”.
During the event you will see many different people, cultures, traditions and gain a more widely view.
You will also increase your understanding of the world.
This will prepare you to be a part of a global society,
whether you are traveling to a new country, working with diverse co-workers,
or just reading about events in the world news.
People of Turkmenistan this year will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Neutrality.
Neutral, peaceful Turkmenistan will do everything necessary for peace
and security consolidation on our planet, to contribute to development
and progress of human civilization.

H.E.Ambassador of Turkmenistan 주한 투르크메니스탄대사
Myrat Mammetalyyev 맘메탈리예프

우크라이나 Ukraine

Dear participants of the Global Youth Fair!
I would like to greet all of you – young and prominent persons who are
interested in international efforts for our common better future.
Our world is changing permanently and it depends on all of us, especially
on young generation what it will become.
I hope Global Youth Fair will give you more experience and wiliness to
direct your efforts for changing our world for the better! Sincerely yours,

H.E.Ambassador of Ukraine 주한 우크라이나대사
Olexander Horin 올렉산드로 호린

학생 참여

Title: “헝가리에서 발명된 큐브를 소개합니다!”
Country: Hungary 헝가리
Name: CSOMA Janos Chanu 남찬우
Status: 중학생

Title: “Korean Traditional Winter Street Snacks”
Country : Korea 한국
Name: 김시연(자막) . 김찬원 (기획). 김서휘 (촬영)